Little Red Book Account Set up

Little Red Book, also known as Xiaohongshu, is the Chinese equivalent of Instagram. It’s the best platform to read about product reviews, share outfits of the day, learn about fashion tips, and discover high-quality brands. Since Little Red Book reviews could directly impact sales, it’s one of the most important social media channels for brand marketing.

Starting from 2021, Little Red Book account is no longer separated as personal account and business account. The types of the Little Red Book account changed to “unprofessional account” and”professional account”  .   To set up a company account, it requires people to set up a “unprofessional account” (personal account)first. Then, the account holder needs to go to little red book business centre to submit required documents, get verified, pay application fee online (only accept alipay).

Why a company must have a business account?

Based on Little Red Book  algorism, verified professional account does have certain level data support.

The verified professional account allows companies to customize the account page to convey its own content and style. Through content operation, the brand could better connect and engage with consumers. The content released by the official account is authorized and professional. It can nurture high brand loyalty.

Little Red Book Marketing